Contact Us
Feel free to contact us using the provided form and someone from the Band Division will return your message as soon as possible. Thanks!
Holly Taylor
3901 Miles Rd
Sachse, TX 75048
TMEA utilizes a detailed and thorough grievance process. Any student, parent, director, TMEA member, school official or concerned party may submit a grievance. Grievances must be submitted to a Region Division Chair, State Division Vice-President, or the TMEA Executive Director. Investigations are conducted by the Region Division Chair, State Division Vice-President, and the Executive Director and shall report their findings to the Presidents Committee for a decision on any matter. A full explanation of TMEA’s grievance process including its extensive appeals process can be found here:
We encourage any student, parent, or director wishing to file a grievance to first contact the Band Division Chairman in an attempt to provide a transparent and thorough investigation.
The Region 3 Band Division along with all of TMEA places an extreme emphasis on the safety, security, and fairness of our students at every audition, clinic, concert, and any other TMEA-sponsored event.