Who We Are
Texas Music Educators Association is an organization of over 12,000 school music educators
dedicated to promoting excellence and advocating music education in Texas schools.
TMEA comprises five divisions: Band, Orchestra, Vocal, Elementary and College. TMEA leaders carefully monitor the actions of all state decision-making bodies on issues affecting fine arts instruction to ensure music education continues to play a vital role in the lives of students in Texas schools.
“My engineering degree taught me mechanics but music education taught me work ethic, taught me time management, taught me grit, taught me leadership and team work.”
David Borland
Director of Amazon Webservices
Region 3 – Band Division
Region 3 Band Division annually hosts auditions, clinics, and concerts for middle school and high school students in North Texas. Our Band Division is dedicated to providing positive and highly musical experiences in both classical and jazz realms.
Over the decades, band programs in Region 3 have been recognized for many accolades and have performed at various state, national, and international conferences including: High School and Middle School TMEA Honor Bands concerts, UIL State Marching Band Finalists, Midwest Band and Orchestra Clinic invited concert band and jazz band ensembles, Sousa Sudler Cup and Sudler Flag recipients, National Band Association Citations of Excellence, among many others.
“In Band, nobody’s on the bench.”
Kim Garza
Lopez Middle School, Director of Bands

“Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without.”